High Power Femtosecond Ytterbium Fiber Laser Unit
The product is the 1μm band femtosecond fiber laser source, delivering high peak power (up to 1 MW) in standalone size for material processing, semiconductor inspection, and supercontinuum generation applications.
- Description
- Features
- Applications
GIP Technology High Power Femtosecond Ytterbium Fiber Laser Unit (LAS-YFL-FS-HP-U) is the 1μm band femtosecond fiber laser source, delivering high peak power (up to 1 MW) in standalone size for material processing, semiconductor inspection, and supercontinuum generation applications.
All-fiber design and splicing technology make the laser more compact compared to traditional rod or disc DPSS lasers. The peak intensity of a laser pulse with a duration of only a few picoseconds is so high that nonlinear/multi-photon absorption occurs, resulting in a very precise “cold” process with little thermal effect.
In addition, these units also provide a user-friendly status monitoring via an LCD display, LED indicators, and various communication interfaces (RS232/USB).
- Average power up to 20W
- All-fiber design, industrial reliability
- High peak power up to 1MW
- Maintenance free
- Polarization-maintaining
- RS-232/USB interface for local supervision.
- Material processing
- Semiconductor inspection
- Harmonic generation
- OPO pumping
- Pump-probe